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Momen-momen Mengesankan

Lihat Semua Pencapaian GDSK

Certificate of Appreciation from Government of Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan in K3 Program Implementation

Zero is Attainable Achievement Award from Chevron

Rating A (94,1) Contractor Health Environment Safety Management from Chevron

Zero Vehicle Accident Certificate (Chevron Geothermal)

Certificate Of Appreciation Housekeeping Competition In Martabe Gold Mine

Rating A (97,1) Contractor Health Environment Safety Management from Chevron

Contactor & Supplier Management Environment, Health, and safety certificate
(88,57 %) from SANTOS

Contractor Health, Safety And Environment Management System Rating 66.00 from Genting Oil Kasuri

Achievement of one year without LTI at Martabe Gold Mine

K3LL qualification from CHEVRON (80.8%)

K3 Management System Certificate with a score of 93.37%

Certificate of Appreciation from INASGOC – 18th Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang
Organizing Committee

Contractor Health Environment Safety Management from Chevron with a score 93%

Contractor Health Environment Safety Management from Chevron with a score 87%

Certificate of Appreciation from Chevron in “Penanganan Kasus Konfirmasi Positif Covid-19”

The Best Work in Progress CSMS 2021